Best Port Scanning Tools For Ethical Hackers

Introduction Port scanning tools are software applications designed to scan and analyze the open ports on a computer system or network. These tools are used to identify which ports are active, closed, or filtered. By scanning a system’s ports, network, and security admins can determine what potential vulnerabilities exist, and which measures to take to … Read more

Top 10 Certifications for Ethical Hackers To Boost Your Career

What is Ethical Hacking? Ethical hacking is the practice of testing computer systems, networks, and applications to identify security vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be exploited by malicious hackers. Ethical hackers, use similar techniques and tools as malicious hackers to conduct their jobs, but the difference is that they do so with proper authorization obtained … Read more

Best Information and CyberSecurity Degree Programs

In this post, you will find information on information security, cybersecurity, and ethical hacking degree programs offered for both in-person and online attendance modes. See Also The acceleration in online cybercrime has led to the accelerated need for jobs to secure systems and networks against these threats. These new jobs require specialized skills in technology … Read more

Career, Certification, Jobs and Salary For Ethical Hackers

With a continuing increase in demand for cybersecurity, there has been a similar rise for professionals in Information Security (IS), especially for those with skills in ethical hacking. Ethical hackers are professionals who use their skills and knowledge to test the integrity of computing and network infrastructure. They aim to find vulnerabilities in the systems … Read more

What is Ethical Hacking and How to Become an Ethical Hacker?

Hacking is a term that is often associated with illegal activities with malicious intent. However, in the world of technology and information security, hacking can also refer to the legitimate practice of discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities in a system for the purpose of improving its security. Ethics and Legality of Hacking The ethics of hacking … Read more

How to Use NMAP to Scan Open Ports with Examples

Nmap is a powerful command line tool network scanning tool that is used to identify open ports, services, and vulnerabilities on a network. Nmap works by sending packets to target hosts and networks and analyzing the responses or the lack thereof. The primary use for nmap is to do port scanning, which involves scanning a … Read more

Ethical and Legal Consideration of Hacking

Ethical & Legal Considerations of Hacking Hacking is a term that is often associated with illegal activities with malicious intent. However, in the world of technology and information security, hacking can also refer to the legitimate practice of discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities in a system for the purpose of improving its security. The consequences of … Read more

Methods of Detecting Port Scans

In an increasingly connected world, preventing malicious activity in networked environments is critical to maintaining the security and confidentiality of sensitive information. Port scanning is a common method attackers use to identify open,closed and filtered ports on a target system, and it’s a precursor to more malicious activity, such as exploiting vulnerabilities or launching denial-of-service … Read more

What is Port Scanning and How Does it Work?

What is Port Scanning and How Does it Work? Port scanning is a method that involves the examination of a network’s open and closed ports to identify vulnerabilities and access. Port scanning works by actively or passively accessing a port to find out if it is active or closed. Port scanning has therefore become a … Read more